図1は下記の「ここが知りたい地球温暖化 Q9水蒸気の温室効果」の記事の中で用いられている図である。図2に記事の冒頭の質問と答の要約を示したが、内容はその1で紹介した江守のビデオと同じで、二酸化炭素濃度の増加が気温を上昇させ、その結果として水蒸気量が増加しさらに温暖化が進む、と説明されている。
In this and the next article, I will examine whether carbon dioxide and water vapour are really the cause of global warming.
Figure 1 shows the diagram used in the article "Global Warming Q9: The Greenhouse Effect of Water Vapor" below. Figure 2 shows a question and summary of the answer at the beginning of the article, and the content is the same as in the video by Emori introduced in Part 1.
"Global Warming Q9: The Greenhouse Effect of Water Vapour"

図1 国立環境研究所の横畠徳太が水蒸気の温室効果について説明しているサイトで用いられている図
Fig. 1 Diagram used by Tokuta Yokobatake of the National Institute for Environmental Studies to illustrate the greenhouse effect of water vapour.
図2 上に紹介した記事「ここが知りたい地球温暖化 Q9水蒸気の温室効果」の冒頭に載っている質問と答の要約
Fig. 2 Question and summary of the answer at the beginning of the article "What I want to know about global warming Q9: Greenhouse effect of water vapour"
(No English text translated from Fig. 2)
Figure 3 is a diagram from a site often seen in relation with global warming, showing how incident light from the sun (left) and radiant light from the surface (right) pass through the Earth's atmosphere. It shows how various gases in the atmosphere absorb their respective radiation. Figures very similar to this are cited on various sites, but this is probably the original.
Most of the light in the infrared region is blocked by water vapour and does not pass through, but the region with a peak around 10 μm wavelength and the slightly shorter wavelength around 4 μm, which is radiated light from the ground, is well transmitted. However, in the vicinity of 4 μm wavelength, both the radiation from the sun and the radiation from the surface of the earth are very weak, and are outside the scope of this discussion. Radiation from the earth's surface is mainly absorbed by water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone.
The difference from Fig. 1 is that the transmission area toward space is narrowly shown from around 8 μm to about 13 μm, and the absorption of CO2 has reached 100%, and there is no radiation to outer space.
図3 大気を透過する太陽からの入射光(左)と地表からの放射(右)
Fig. 3 Radiation transmitting the atmosphere, incident light from the sun (left) and radiation from the earth's surface (right)
FIG. 4 shows the left side of FIG. 3, the incident light from the sun and the spectral intensity at the surface of the earth.
It is a spectrum up to around 2600 nm, but H2O is added to the absorption by water vapor up to the fifth one from the right in the region shorter than the wavelength of 4 μm in Fig. 3. Furthermore, water vapor absorption is also present at two locations on the left, near 820 nm and near 720 nm.
In order to find out how much solar radiation is absorbed by these water vapors, I calculated the area of each of them as a triangle or a trapezoid. Although it is a premise including considerable error, it became about 134 W / m2. This value is nearly double the absorbed energy in FIG. 1. This value is roughly consistent with the Wikipedia description below.
図4 太陽放射のスペクトルと大気による散乱と吸収
Fig. 4 Spectrum of solar radiation and its scattering and absorption by the atmosphere
From https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Solar_Spectrum.png#file より
What can be said from this is that water vapor absorbs more energy from the incident light of the sun than it does by absorbing radiation from the earth's surface acting as a "greenhouse gas", so it actually works to lower the temperature of the earth's surface. It plays a role of the "sun shade" not a greenhouse gas.
The more water vapor, the easier it is for clouds to form, and the more clouds there are, the more the surface temperature rise is suppressed.
Again, water vapor is not a greenhouse gas, but rather a sun shade.
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