
芸能人(ウーマン村本氏)を利用して汚染水の海洋投棄に誘導しようとする姑息 2020-12 #1






”村本さんは「俺、心配なことがあってね。いま、処理水の海洋放出の検討が進められている。国の人たちは安全って言う。木野さんの説明を受けて、人体に影響ないのも理解はした。政府は全漁連が納得したら海に流すのかもしれないけど、それは違うんじゃないか。本当にすべての漁師さんが納得したのか。不安に感じているけれど、漁連の大きな声に押しつぶされて言い出せない人がいるかもしれない」と話し始めた。 木野さんは「不安に感じる人の声を無視はできない。でも、これはいつか誰かが決めなければいけない問題なんです」と応じ、「私にできることは、原子力を学んだ者として、安全なものは安全と言い続けることです。そうじゃないと、福島のためにならない」と強調した。 村本さんは「誰かが犠牲になって、この国は成り立っている。沖縄が犠牲になって、俺たちの安心が成り立っている。俺が総理だったら、処理水飲むね。他人に何かを強いるのであれば、自分も何かの犠牲になって、誰かを安心させなければいけないと思う」と言った。 そして、「俺、飲みますよ、カメラ回ってる前で、勝手に。おなか壊すよりも、それが漁師さんのためになるんだったら。村本が勝手に飲んだってことにして良いので、どうですか、木野さん」と続けた。 木野さんは「もし飲んだら人類初です。管理責任を問われて私のクビは飛んじゃいますね」と笑った。”




”東京から新幹線と車で約4時間。免許証の確認や指の静脈認証など厳重なセキュリティーチェックを終えて構内に入ると、案内役の資源エネルギー庁の木野正登廃炉・汚染水対策官(52)が、350ミリリットルほどの小さなプラスチック製の容器を示し、「これが原発処理水です」と説明を始めた。 木野さんは東京大学で原子力工学を学んだ後、通商産業省(現・経済産業省)に入省。原発事故直後に福島に赴任し、事故の収束や廃炉作業に関わり続けている。 第一原発では、敷地内で増え続ける処理済み汚染水の処分が大きな課題となっている。敷地の制約から、水をためるタンクが満杯になる時期は「2022年秋ごろ」とされ、政府は処理した汚染水を海に放出する方針だが、風評被害を懸念する全国漁業協同組合連合会(全漁連)など漁業者の反発は強く、処分方法の正式決定は先延ばしされている。 木野さんがボトルに線量計を向けた。村本さんが鋭い目つきでにらむが、針はほとんど動かない。 木野さんが「変わんないんです。処理水は、人体に影響を与えるガンマ線が出ていないんですよ。トリチウムは残っているけど、人体に与える影響は無視できるくらい小さいんです」と説明すると、村本さんは「これ、飲めるんですか?」と尋ねた。 「放射性物質の影響は無視できるくらい小さい。ただ、大腸菌などの雑菌がいるので、おなか壊しますよ」と答えると、村本さんは「国の側からすると、安全なものを、金をかけてため続けている?」とさらに尋ねた。 木野さんは「タンクは一つ1億円ですから。処理水タンクが1050基あるので、これだけで1050億円。敷地もあと2年ほどで満杯になるとされている」と答えた。 木野さんが処分方法について、「今、政府が地元自治体や漁師さんたちのもとを回り、説明しています。でも最後は、国の責任で決めるしかないんです」と話すと、村本さんは「安心と安全か。難しいなあ」とうなった。”







また以前の投稿(2020-11 #1, https://yoshisato.blogspot.com/2020/11/2020-11-1.html)で書いたように、現在のシステムではストロンチウム90や炭素14が処理水から除去しきれずに残っている。この記事の処理水にもストロンチウム90や炭素14が高濃度で残っていたと考えるのが自然である。






原発処理水の危機は目前にある。トリチウムだけでは無かった。2020-11 #1

私は、これまで政府の発表を真に受けて処理水に関する問題はトリチウムが主であると思って来た。先のブログ(2020-09 #1)では他核種の残存にも触れながら、熱塩循環への押し込みを提案した。










原発は海を温める!?_その5 Nuclear power warms the sea !?_No. 5 2020-10 #1









Now, let's move on to the main subject of whether or not nuclear power plants are warming the ocean.

A part of the diagram that was published in the previous (Part 3) is shown below, knowing that it is duplicated.

Comparing the temperature changes in the central Sea of Japan and the southwestern part of the Sea of Japan, which is the upper reaches of the Tsushima Current, it can be read that the temperature increase during the 40-year period from 1970 to 2010 makes up the difference in temperature increases during the last 100 years.

When comparing the southwestern Japan Sea and the northern part of the East China Sea, the temperature rise in the southwestern Japan Sea during the 40-year period from 1970 to 2010 appears to be slightly larger than that in the northern part of the East China Sea, but it is difficult to read a clear trend due to large annual variations.

In fact, the measurements of sea surface temperature were taken at several locations in the sea area, so it is not clear how the average value was obtained. However, the following conjecture can be made if the measurements were taken at evenly distributed points in the entire ocean.

If the effluent from the plant is contributing to the rise in sea surface temperature, the temperature rise trend in the central Japan Sea will continue until it returns to the west side of the ocean, as I wrote earlier.

On the other hand, the influence of the plant's drainage to the southwest of the Sea of Japan is mostly off the coasts of Fukui and Ishikawa, and the number of observation points affected by this phenomenon is considered to be limited.

This suggests that effluent from the Shimane, Fukui, Ishikawa, and Niigata plants may have raised sea surface temperatures in the central Japan Sea to a higher level in 2010 (2011) than in the southwestern Japan Sea.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Some corrections were added by the author.

Following sentences are translated with "DeepL" and some correction was added as well as above. 


The calculation for the possibility that wastewater from nuclear power plants could warm up the sea was done using the power output (generating capacity) as of 2010, and the figure below shows the evolution of power generation from 1970 to 2010 (shown until 2009 in the figure below). It can be read that the increase of generation from 1980 to 2000 is large.




そして、日本海中部の海水面の温度は2011年の原発停止後(5年移動平均の値であるが、約 0.4℃下がっている。







「Fukudome et al.(2010)は、船舶に搭載した超音波式ドップラー多層流速計による1997年2月~2007年2月の観測結果から、対馬海峡を通過する流量は、平均すると2.65×106m3/sで、月平均の最大値は10月で3.10×106m3/s、最小値は1月で2.01×106m3/sであったとしている。」

The original data for this figure was taken from Wikipedia (URL is below).


This upward trend is (vaguely) similar to the trend of temperature rise in the central Japan Sea from around 1970 to around 2010 compared to the southwest Japan Sea in the above figure.

And the sea surface temperature in the central Japan Sea has decreased by about 0.4 degrees Celsius (five-year running average) since the plant was shut down in 2011.

Then, the author calculated whether the energy emitted from the nuclear plants on the Japan Sea side of the island is actually enough to increase the sea surface temperature.

The original value and the results of the calculations are as follows

The author simply doubled the output of the energy emitted from the plant.

The plant's operation rate could be a little higher, but I found a value that is said to be 65% somewhere, so I set it at 65%.

As for the flow rate of the Tsushima Current, I used 2.65 x 106 m3/s because I found the following description in the following website


Fukudome et al. (2010) found that the average flow rate through Tsushima Straits was 2.65×106m3/s, with a monthly average maximum value of 3.10×106m3/s in October and a minimum value of It states that in January it was 2.01 x 106 m3/s.


ここでは原発の発電量の2倍のエネルギーが海中に捨てられているとしてエネルギーから計算したが、もう一つよく見かける説明として、100KWhの発電所は7℃温度の上がった排水を70t/s 海に放出している、と言うのがある。

Assuming that the waste heat from the plant was heating the entire Tsushima Current up to the depth of 200m, the result was an increase of 0.00266°C (the value of 200m depth was also adopted from the JMA website).

Here the author calculated on the basis that nuclear power plant discharges twice the amount of energy generated by a nuclear power plant.

However, there is another common explanation saying that a 100KWh power plant discharges 70 t/s of wastewater with a temperature rise of 7 degrees Celsius into the sea.

The figure below shows a calculation using those values.


ただしかし、 0.4℃と0.0027℃では数字に随分開きがある。


Results are slightly different, but they are roughly the same.

However, there is a significant difference between 0.4°C and 0.0027°C.

The focus is on how much the hot water discharged near the sea surface diffuses, but the discussion on this point will be too long, so the author like to discuss it next time.


トリチウム水は生態系に有害 表層水に捨てるべきではない 2020-09 #1









スイスの研究者ヘッセ・ホネガーの研究によれば、原発周辺の昆虫の全先天異常・形態異常は原発のない地域の異常の発生率と比べて顕著に高くなっており、これにトリチウムが影響していると推測している。(『「脱ひばく」命を守る』松井英介著 花伝社刊より)












原発は海を温める!?_その4 Nuclear power warms the sea !?_No. 4 2020-08 #2



From this time on, the author will begin to examine the effects of the nuclear power plant on the rise in sea surface temperatures in the central Japan Sea, but before I do so, I would like to check the movement of ocean currents in the Japan Sea.

A search for ocean currents in the Japan Sea yields many diagrams, but most of them are extremely abbreviated and are not convenient to use for discussion. The diagram below is not extremely abbreviated and also shows the topography of the seafloor and is easy to understand.

http://cms.sanin.jp/p/matsunoe/aji/3/1/ (鳥取の海の特徴)






樺太と大陸を隔てる間宮海峡の最も狭い部分はネヴェリスコイ海峡と呼ばれ、その最も狭い部分の幅は7.3 km、航路の深さは7.2 mである。

http://wikimapia.org/18066051/ja/%E3%83%8D%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A7%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B3%E3%82%A4%E6%B5%B7%E5%B3%A1 (ネヴェリスコイ海峡)




https://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/kaiyou/shindan/sougou/html_vol2/2_2_4_vol2.html海洋の健康診断表 > 総合診断表 第2版 >2.2.4 対馬暖流


The explanation of the diagram can be read at the URL above. The site itself is interesting to read, so I recommend you to read it.

However, the Liman Current is also easily misunderstood as well as other diagrams. In this figure, it appears that the Liman Current has the same velocity and flow rate as the Tsushima Current, but as shown below, it should be considered different.

The "Liman" in the Liman Current means the mouth of a large river (Triangle River) in Russian, and here it refers to the mouth of the Amur River. (From Wikipedia) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E6%B5%B7%E6%B5%81#

However, it says: "The Tsushima Current is a warm current moving northward through the Sea of Japan, which cooled as it moved northward and mixed with the fresh water of the Amur River to move southward.

>It is believed that the Tsushima Current, a warm current moving northward through the Sea of Japan, cooled as it moved northward and mixed with the fresh water of the Amur River to move southward, but there are many theories about the formation process because of the low flow rate and lack of observational data.

The narrowest part of the Mamiya Strait, which separates Sakhalin from the mainland, is called the Neveliskoi Strait, and its narrowest part is 7.3 km wide and its passage is 7.2 m deep.

http://wikimapia.org/18066051/ja/%E3%83%8D%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A7%E3%83%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B3%E3%82%A4%E6%B5%B7%E5%B3%A1 (Neveliskoi Strait)

It is unlikely that fresh water flowing into the Sea of Japan from the Amur River would pass through such a narrow part of the strait and reach the Sea of Japan in large quantities.

As shown in the figure below, in the north side of the polar front in the Sea of Japan , isotherms are far apart each other, then the flow velocity is considered to be significantly slower. Other sites of the Japan Meteorological Agency, which are different from the following, indicate that the current velocity is faster at the narrower points of the isotherm. (https://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/kaiyou/data/db/maizuru/knowledge/tsushima_current.html)

The figure below was taken from the "Marine Health Examination Tables" on the following Elephant Agency website.





<日本海南西部> 島根県の中央部と朝鮮半島の南端近くを結び対馬の少し北を通る東西の線と新潟県中部から佐渡島を通って西へ伸ばした線で挟まれた海域で、対馬海流が対馬海峡を通り抜けて広がる場所である。

<日本海中部> 新潟県中部から佐渡島を通って西へ延ばした線と渡島半島南部から西に伸ばした線でで挟まれた海域で、日本海南西部を通って来た海流(南東側)と日本海北東部まで行って戻って来た海流(北西側)とで構成されている。仮に対馬海流が原発からの排熱で温められるとすると、玄海原発、さらには高浜原発から始まって日本海に面した柏崎刈羽原発までの一連の原発からの排熱が現れる東側とその影響を少し時間を送らせて保持する西側の温度を測っていることになる。

<日本海北東部> 対馬海流は津軽海峡と宗谷海峡を通ってその大半が太平洋(オホーツク海)に流れ出すが、その一部は間宮海峡から温度の傾向を保持しつつ大陸の沿岸を(ゆっくりと)南下し、その先は日本海中部に至る。


The water in the northeastern part of the Sea of Japan, as shown in the previous section, is considered to be the result of the Tsushima Current moving northward, with much of it flowing out of Tsugaru Strait and Soya Strait into the Pacific and Okhotsk Seas, and the remainder slowly returning via the Mamiya Strait.

The effects of the Tsushima Current on the three ocean divisions in the Sea of Japan can be summarized as follows.

For the location and shape of each ocean area, please refer to "Part 3" and "Part 2" of this series.

<The southwestern part of the Sea of Japan> is sandwiched between an east-west line running north of Tsushima and a line extending westward from the middle of Niigata Prefecture through Sado Island, connecting the central part of Shimane Prefecture and the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula.

<The central part of the Sea of Japan> is sandwiched between a line extending westward from central Niigata Prefecture through Sado Island and a line extending westward from the southern part of the Oshima Peninsula. If the Tsushima Current is heated by the waste heat from nuclear power plants, JMA is measuring the temperature on the east side where the waste heat from nuclear power plants, starting from the Genkai and Takahama plants to the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant facing the Sea of Japan, and the temperature on the west side where the effect of the waste heat from the series of nuclear power plants is maintained with delay for a short time.

<The northeastern part of the Sea of Japan> Most of the Tsushima Current flows out to the Pacific Ocean (Okhotsk Sea) through Tsugaru Strait and Soya Strait, but some of it moves southward (slowly) along the coast of the continent, maintaining the temperature trend from Mamiya Strait, and beyond that to the central Japan Sea.

Based on this summary, we will examine whether the waste heat from nuclear power plants has the power to warm the oceans in the next issue.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Some small errors were corrected after translation with DeepL.


原発は海を温める!?_その3 Nuclear power warms the sea !?_No. 3 2020-08 #1

先々回(2020-07 #1)に掲載した記事では、原発付近の海水の温度が2℃高くなっていたのが原発の稼働停止と共に低下したと記述されている。

In the previous article, the author has only included long-term changes in sea surface temperatures of the central part of the Japan Sea. This time, the author has lined up the charts with those for both sides of the central part of the Japan Sea, the north-eastern and southwestern parts of the Sea of Japan, and further to the southern part of the East China Sea.

In the north-eastern part of the Sea of Japan, an extreme rise in temperature occurred from 1910 to around 1940, and as a result a long-term regression line could not been drawn. After 1960, however, the temperature change in the north-eastern part of the Japan Sea followed a similar path to that of the central Japan Sea. The difference between the two regions is that the temperature has not risen since 2010 (2011) and the temperature rise from 1980s to 2010 is large.

The central Japan Sea should be influenced by the southwestern part of the Japan Sea, which is the upper stream of the Tsushima Current, but it shows a different trend. They are: the temperature increase from 1980s to 2010 and the downward trend after 2011. On the other hand, the temperature change from 1910 to 1980 is generally similar.

The temperature change in the seas around Japan, which represents the trend of temperature change in other sea areas, shows a large increase after 2011, which is roughly consistent with the global trend.

The fact that only the central part of the Japan Sea shows a downward trend in temperature, together with the temperature increase from the 1980s to around 2010, reminds us of the effect of thermal effluent from nuclear power plants.

In the previous article (2020-07 #1), it was described that the temperature of seawater near the plant was 2 degrees C higher than the around, but it decreased with the shutdown of the plant.

The author will discuss on this possibility in the next articles.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Some small errors were corrected after translation with DeepL.



原発は海を温める!?_その2 Nuclear power warms the sea !?_No. 2 2020-07 #2



 After the author introduced the newspaper article in the last issue, I also checked the sea surface temperature rise in the area around the bay. Since I have been concerned about the conspicuously high temperature rise in the central Japan Sea for some time, I compared it with a chart I did a study on global warming five years ago.

 The top one is for this year (2020) and the bottom one is for 2015.

 In both cases, the range of temperature rise in the central Japan Sea is larger than in other areas of the ocean, but I found myself saying, "Wow!" when I compared them. I have a feeling that this is not the case in the central Japan Sea. While the range of temperature increase has been increasing over the past five years in all other areas around Japan, there has been no increase in the central Japan Sea.

 Then, I took out the temperature change in the central Japan Sea (bottom figure).

 The temperature in the central Japan Sea is on a downward trend since 2011, while the temperature in other areas of the ocean has been increasing since 2010.

 The author will discuss this point in more detail in the next issue.

 All of the charts shown here can be found on the Japan Meteorological Agency's website below. If you are interested in these charts, you may want to look at the patterns of temperature changes in other areas of the ocean. 

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Some small errors were corrected after translation with DeepL.


原発は海を温める!?_その1 Nuclear power warms the sea !?_No. 1 2020-07 #1



 I have been skipping blog posts for more than a year, but the following article has inspired me to resume writing about oceanic warming and to concentrate on the issue of global warming until late August.
 The article is from the Fukui Shimbun dated 30th June and it says that the sea water temperature around the plant was 2°C higher during the operation. At the bottom of the page is a map of the area around the plant. We don't know where in Wakasa Bay this survey was carried out, but it's amazing that the sea water temperature rose 2°C in a fairly large area of water.

   The text states that no change was observed near coal power plants as compared to near nuclear power plants. This is thought to be because, compared to nuclear power plants where all the waste heat (2/3 of the original heat) is released into the sea, coal-fired power plants also release a significant amount of heat from their stacks, which has a smaller impact on the sea.

English translation of above article is following.

Tropical fish have settled in the Sea of Japan due to the effluent of nuclear power plants

The area around the Takahama nuclear power plant, the fish disappeared after shutdown of the plant

  Tropical fish had become established in the vicinity as the sea was warmed by effluent from the Kansai Electric Power Co.'s Takahama nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture, Prof. Reiji Masuda of Kyoto University's Maizuru Fisheries Laboratory published the results of his research in the online scientific journal PLOS ONE by June 29. Juvenile fish brought in from the south by ocean currents are thought to have successfully overwintered, but they disappeared when the plant was shut down after the Great East Japan Earthquake.

  During the operation of the nuclear power plant, the seawater temperature around the plant was 2°C higher, which is equivalent to conditions around 2050 when global warming has advanced. Mr. Masuda said, "It's not a good thing that the habitat has expanded. If a lot of nuclear power plants operate in the narrow Sea of Japan, the environment will change drastically, including a decrease in fish and seaweed that originally existed," he said. He called attention to the effects of localised global warming caused by the thermal discharge of nuclear power plants.

  From 2004 to 2005, Mr. Masuda conducted a diving survey in the sea near the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant in Wakasa Bay during the winter. During the operation of the plant, the discharge of water at the site was seven degrees Celsius warmer than normal, which increased the number and variety of fish, and tropical fish, such as the Atlantic wrasse and the thunderhead wrasse, which normally cannot overwinter, were also found in the water.

 When the Takahama nuclear power plant was shut down in 2012, the water temperature dropped and returned to normal, and tropical fish died out or were no longer seen.

 For comparison, the same bay was also examined near a coal-fired power plant and in waters without waste heat facilities, but no such change was found near the plant.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Some small errors after translation with DeepL were corrected by the author.

Continued to the next.